In 1965 I was born in Pasadena California. Shortly after that my family moved south to Orange County where I grew up and lived off and on until 1992. My interest in computers led me to a computer science major at the University of California at Santa Barbara. In my sophomore year I switched majors to math/economics and graduated with a BA in 1988. After I graduated I put my mind toward the actuary exams. If you don’t know what an actuary is please visit this explanation by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While working at the exams I stumbled into a job as a claims adjuster for the Social Security Administration. With my background in Social Security and having passed a few exams I moved to the agency headquarters in Baltimore in 1992. In my capacity as a Social Security actuary my main responsibility was estimating short-range costs and benefits of changes in Social Security law. Some of my work can be found at the Office of the Chief Actuary web site. The most fun part of my job was tabulating the most popular Wild Casino Review baby names. My lists of the most popular names have been featured in almost every newspaper or news magazine at one time or another. You can also find my lists at the BabyCenter;, and many books including Beyond Jennifer&Jason; Madison&Montana;; The Very Best Baby Name Book; and the 2000 edition of the World Almanac.
After I finished with the actuary exams and became an associate in 1995 I put my mind toward analyzing casino games. This was just for fun and I never expected it to lead to anything. After I went through the trouble of analyzing about a half dozen games I put up the information on my home page. Although I didn’t advertise at all people starting wandering to the page which encouraged me to keep making additions and improvements. Eventually this led to work doing analysis of new games and a regular article in Casino Player magazine. In early 2000 I decided to take the leap from a non-profit page to accepting advertising. The combined income from private consulting and advertising has allowed me to leave me job with SSA effective April 21, 2000 and devote myself full time to this web site and other gambling related projects.
Gambling has always been a major interest of mine. Before turning 21 I mainly played poker, acey-deucy, and guts. When I reached legal age I developed a strong interest in blackjack. I started with the basic strategy and then moved to card counting. Other than gambling my hobbies are chess, computer games, juggling, unicycling, and license plate collecting.
In February, 2001, I moved from Baltimore to Las Vegas to be at the center of the gambling business. It is my goal to become the most known and trusted name in gambling advice for the whole gamut of casino games.